
vidformer enables people to create videos without worrying about performance or efficiency. vidformer does this via its novel data-oriented declarative video editor.

We target these use cases:

  • Creating videos as results to queries (e.g., "show me every time zebras fight, and overlay the time, date, location, and animal IDs")
  • Visualization of computer vision models (e.g., Drawing bounding over objects in videos in a python notebook)

For these use cases, vidformer strives to:

  • Create the resulting videos instantly and efficiently
  • Allow easy and idiomatic editing of videos combined with data
  • Interact with existing technologies, data, and workloads
  • Serve both exploratory ad hoc use cases and embedded use in production web applications, VDBMSs, and IaaS deployments.

vidformer is NOT:

  • A conventional video editor (like Premiere Pro or Final Cut)
  • A video database/VDBMS
  • A natural language query interface for video
  • A computer vision library (like OpenCV)
  • A computer vision AI model (like CLIP or Yolo)

However, vidformer is highly complementary to each of these. If you're working on any of the later four, vidformer may be for you.

Quick Start

See Getting Started

Next Steps

vidformer is a highly modular suite of tools that work together. The tools overview provides an overview and guidance on the full vidformer architecture.