Built-in Filters

While most applications will use user-defined filters, vidformer ships with a handful of built-in filters to get you started:


DrawText does exactly what it sounds like: draw text on a frame.

For example:

DrawText(frame, text="Hello, world!", x=100, y=100, size=48, color="white")


BoundingBox draws bounding boxes on a frame.

For example:

BoundingBox(frame, bounds=obj)

Where obj is JSON with this schema:

    "class": "person",
    "confidence": 0.916827917098999,
    "x1": 683.0721842447916,
    "y1": 100.92174338626751,
    "x2": 1006.863525390625,
    "y2": 720
    "class": "dog",
    "confidence": 0.902531921863556,
    "x1": 360.8750813802083,
    "y1": 47.983140622720974,
    "x2": 606.76171875,
    "y2": 717.9591837897462


The Scale filter transforms one frame type to another. It changes both resolution and pixel format. This is the most important filter and is essential for building with vidformer.


    frame: Frame,
    width: int = None,
    height: int = None,
    pix_fmt: str = None)

By default missing width, height and format values are set to match frame. pix_fmt must match ffmpeg's name for a pixel format.

For example:

frame = Scale(frame, width=1280, height=720, pix_fmt="rgb24")


IPC allows for calling User-Defined Filters (UDFs) running on the same system. It is an infrastructure-level filter and is used to implement other filters. It is configured with a socket and func, the filter's name, both strings.

The IPC filter can not be directly invoked, rather IPC filters are constructed by a server upon request. This can be difficult, but vidformer-py handles this for you. As of right now IPC only supports rgb24 frames.

HStack & VStack

HStack & VStack allow for composing multiple frames together, stacking them either horizontally or vertically. It tries to automatically find a reasonable layout.


    *frames: list[Frame],
    width: int,
    height: int,
    format: str)

At least one frame is required, along with a width, height and format.

For example:

compilation = HStack(left_frame, right_frame, width=1280, height=720, format="rgb24")